These days being mobile is no excuse to not be in the office and working. We prove that with our own support team who can connect to our offices, email, servers and clients wherever they are in the world with the latest Windows Smartphones.
We have teamed up with T-Mobile to provide you the very lastest and best of the current solutions to you in a supported manner.
Whether you want to make a call, send an email or synchronise your Outlook email, contacts, calendars and tasks. We have a suitable solution for you.
3G datacards are a fantastic evolution of mobile technology that now allow you to be mobile with speeds that beat most technologies beside DSL broadband. Send and recieve and surf at speeds that wont have you drumming your fingers in frustration. Just plug and play and you’ll be surfing away.
These solutions can now provide cost effective automated resillience to your traditional broadband. If your business can’t be offline for more than a few minutes then we urge you to speak to us about the right solution for your business.
See Also: Our BlackBerry Exchange Sync
Mobile Device Management for iPhone, Android BlackBerry and Windows Mobile